Minggu, 03 Mei 2015

Terjemahanku di Flitto

Cambodia suffers a severe shortage of doctors. Are unlicensed physicians the only solution? https://t.co/jcQV6zdnJC https://t.co/44zoqRxgd8

Terjemahanku: Kamboja sangat kekurangan dokter. Apakah tenaga medis yang tidak berlisensi menjadi satu-satunya solusi?

Photo by @haarbergphoto (Orsolya Haarberg) "Eyecontact"
This morning I was sitting at the table in our mountain cabin in #Norway, when I saw a red #fox passing by the cabin. I suppose he has been here before, because he went straight under the kitchen window, where we placed food for pine martin—he made his visit a couple of hours earlier. I went to the window, looking at the skinny fox and thought I must give him some more delicacy. After five minutes he was hooked—he did not care about me and the opening window any more. After he was ready with his breakfast, he sit down in front of the window, staring at me in the living room... @thephotosociety

Foto oleh @haarbergphoto (Orsolya Haarberg) "kontakmata"
Pagi ini, aku tengah duduk di meja di kabin gunung kami di #Norwegia, ketika aku melihat seekor rubah merah melintas di samping kabin. Aku menduga dia pernah ke sini sebelumnya, karena dia berjalan langsung ke bawah jendela dapur, dimana kami menempatkan makanan pine martin -- dia berkunjung beberapa jam sebelumnya. Aku berjalan ke jendela, menatap ke arah rubah kurus tersebut dan berpikir aku harus memberinya lebih banyak makanan lezat. Lima menit kemudian dia terpancing --dia tidak lagi peduli denganku dan jendela yang terbuka. Setelah dia menghabiskan sarapannya, dia duduk di depan jendela, menatapku di ruang tamu... @thephotosociety

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